Creating a quote for your customers

Create a Quote

Watch this video on how to create a quote for your customer or read on below: 

First, click on the Invoicing button on the left side menu, then on the Quotes option at the top of the page, then on Create a quote. This will redirect you to a quote form that you can fill out according to your needs.

  1. Wafeq automatically generates a Quote Number in a sequence.
  2. Choose the Currency in which you want to send your quote.
  3. You may add the Purchase Order that you received from your buyer. This field is optional.
  4. Choose the Contact corresponding to the buyer from your contact list, or create the contact directly in the invoicing form.
  5. Assign the quote to its specific Project. This allows you to track the profitability of your various projects.
  6. Set the Date on which the quote is created.
  7. In the Quote Line Item:
    • Optionally, choose the Item that you're quoting, or create it directly.
    • Write a short Description indicating the details of the item you're selling.
    • Choose the Account where you'd want the revenue to be categorized, this is usually your Income Account, like Sales.
    • Indicate the Quantity of the item sold and its Price
    • Add a VAT rate and a Discount if it applies in your case.
  8. You can include details on how you would like to receive the payment.
  9. Optionally, add a Stamp or your Signature to your quote.
  10. Click Save and Send

When you want to create more quotes, click on the + button that you will find on the top right corner.