Creating a bill
Create a Bill
Watch this video on how to create a bill or read on below:
Go to the Bills section on the left side menu, then click on the '+' button in the top right corner to start creating a bill.
- Indicate the Bill Number.
- Choose the Currency in which you've received the invoice.
- Choose the Contact corresponding to the supplier from your contact list, or create the contact directly in the billing form.
- (Optional) Assign the bill to its specific Project. This allows you to track the profitability of your various projects.
- Set the Date on which the bill is created and then its Due Date.
- In the Bill Line Item:
- (Optional) Choose the Item for which you are billing, or create it directly.
- Write a short Description indicating the details of the item you're buying.
- Choose the Account where you'd want the expense to be categorized, this is usually your Operating Expenses.
- Indicate the Quantity of the item bought and its Price
- (Optional) Add a VAT Rate and a Discount if it applies in your case.
- (Optional) In Notes, you can include details on how you would like to make the payment. Wafeq will automatically re-use this field the next time you create a bill.
- Click Save for Wafeq to automatically change the status of your bill to authorized and create an expense in the P&L report, and an increase in the accounts payable in the balance sheet.
Important: Only when recording the bill payment that a cash event in the cash flow statement and a reduction in the accounts payables in the balance sheet will occur.
Note: You can import your bills using the import feature.